
Our philosophy

Here at Ardens, our philosophy is simple – we are dedicated to serving you, the client. We are a multicultural firm and take pride in our ability to serve a diverse client base. Our solicitors are fluent in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi and Urdu. We are a small privately owned firm, which means we are able to give each and every client our undivided attention, tailored to meet their individual needs.

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W Anglii istnieje nakaz zwrotu opłaty za czynsz, który umożliwia najemcom żądanie zwrotu czynszu nawet do 12 miesięcy wstecz od
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Od 8 marca - wszystkie szkoły zostaną otwarte, a różne pozaszkolne zajęcia, w tym sportowe, będą dozwolone. Dwie osoby będą
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The Home Office has stated that come January 2021, many EU citizens, who have spent more than a year in
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